Viola is so sleepy but she is afraid she will miss something so she positions herself so she can be the first to respond in case she hears the PSST. She is very pretty but no one seems to be interested in her so I must not have taken many pictures of her.
Below are the two girls who broke my heart by not receiving the NUA gene. Magnolia on the left and Daffodil on the right.
Many people have asked me if these puppies can be shown in AKC performance competitions since they are UKC registered. I really didn't know the answer to that so I inquired with many people plus I contacted the AKC directly and the answer is yes. In order for these pups to compete in AKC obedience, agility, rally and tracking they have to first, be neutered and secondly, apply for a PAL (Purebred Alternative Listing) number. So I learned something new today also!

Many of you have inquired as to whether I know which puppies are going to be available but they are just now developing their personalities so it is hard for me to make a commitment. I know many of you are only interested in a black girl and since there are only three and two of them are NUA I will not have enough of those to go around. Before you decide that you couldn't live with anything but a black girl come and meet all the puppies and see what beautiful brownies I have.

When we got our first three Dals, we always insisted that we wanted a black girl. Although I still prefer girls, I just adore my little liver girl and wouldn't be without one again! Many, many people stop to ask me about her coloring, and I end up having conversations with very nice folks that I probably wouldn't have talked to otherwise. She's beautiful and unique and I hope that those searching for a black spotted puppy will consider the liver ones as well. Besides, those brown girls look great in pink ;)
I too have a liver girl, Lizzie. I lost my 18 yr black girl, Happy on New Year's Day this year. 3 years ago, I lost my 15 year old chocolate Lab. When I was out in public with all 3 girls (some ppl never looked to see if one was a guy!), I would often be stopped and asked if I crossed my black dal with the choc lab to get the liver spots!!!! Lizzie has adopted my husband as her "lover", while I am still her "mom", she goes everywhere with him and he is asked on a daily basis about Lizzie's "brown" spots. So, I agree, they truely are a crowd stopper and ppl are always adoring them!
Another vote for liver Dals! Our first Dal was liver -- a son of Barb's dog, Turbo -- and we've always had soft spots (pun intended!) in our hearts for liver Dals. We currently have another liver Dal, a littermate of Lisa's liver girl. Like Lisa said, we do get questions about the brown spots. We sure do enjoy them!
Livers are so much fun. And like Lisa said, you really get noticed by people and they are always interested to know that livers exist, since most are not aware of that. I also lost a black girl this December but when my heart heals a little more my other girls will have a new BROWN sister!!
Those of us who breed Dalmatians spend a lifetime trying to produce even one puppy in a litter as nice as these two brown girls. To get two in one litter is amazing. Congratulations! LaDonna
I waited 30 years for a liver dalmatian, and he is now approaching his 2nd birthday. Give the brown ones a chance - they are super special. Icannot imagine not having a liver one in the pack - I'm sold on them. LOL! Tracie
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